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Reclaim Your Healing Power
The FREE book that makes perfect sense & shatters a lot you thought you knew about health

Western medicine is failing - find out why. By discovering your life force you can heal anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD and much more in minutes!

About The Still Point and the Dance

Have you ever felt like your body and mind are fighting against you? Do you want to know why? Western medicine only masks symptoms, without ever truly healing the cause. Is it any wonder that millions of people are struggling with chronic illness, trauma, and a deep disconnect from their own vitality.


But there is a different way. A way to tap into the innate healing power within you, a life force that can not only alleviate physical and emotional suffering but also unlock your full potential.


This is the promise of The Still Point and the Dance, the revolutionary book that's making perfect sense to readers around the world. It's the culmination of a lifetime's work, a powerful guide that dismantles the limitations of Western medicine and reveals the true path to healing.


  • In The Still Point and the Dance, you'll discover:

    • The secrets of the life force: How to remove the blocks to this potent energy source and use it to heal your body, mind, and spirit.

    • Why Western medicine is often missing the mark: Learn the limitations of conventional treatments and why they often fail to address the cause of illness.

    • A revolutionary approach to PTSD (as just one example): Discover how to break free from the shackles of trauma in just a few sessions, without re-living the pain.

    • And much more...



Chapter 1: Life Force (and why it isn't an accumalative substance)

The role of. the life force

Life force exists in every culture

Belief isn’t a requirement

Feeling the life force

Using the life force in daily life


Chapter 2: I-force (what we use to fight the life force)

I-force - resistance to the life force 

Feeling the life force in another person

The case of the moving shoulder

Practising the Boulderstone Technique

Do it now

The case of Laura

Our body always knows

Ego, persona and personality

It is only when our ego and the I-force stop being flexible that we get ‘ill’

The story and the dance are constructions of the ego

Chapter 3:  Causes and Cases (the story is not the problem)

The dance isn’t the problem

The case of Charlie (happiness)

The case of Jo (sexual abuse)

The story isn’t the problem

Any symptom can have any cause

Remove the real cause and the problem goes away

The story about how you got here isn’t important (unless the story continues)

The case of Chris (sheep dip)

Chapter 4: What is Health? (The question doctors avoid)

Western medicines are designed to deal with symptoms not health

Western medicine is obsessed with symptoms

Drug recalls

The difficulties with defining health

Physical symptoms may seem to have mental or emotional roots

All symptoms have causes

The case of Sarah



What is this alternative philosophy?

Health of the whole

Getting better

Definition of health, illness, disease and healing

Chapter 5: Inner Battles (the basis of illness)

We get better on our own

We fight. the healing process

Pain and sensation


Consciously created inner battles

Unconsciously created inner battles

Anyone can have an inner battle


Symptoms point to inner battles

The size of the conflict is dependent only on the patient

Other inner battles

Drugs distract

​Projecting inner contradiction

Freedom from inner battles

Maintaining freedom

Life's purpose

Bacteria and viruses

Chapter 6: The Dancing Mind (nice moves)

The mind dance

The still point

Burnout and fatigue

The solution to stress

You don't need a doctor to tell you when you are ill

Chapter 7: The Dances


How to remove stress

Trauma, Post-traumaitic stress an panic attacks

Processing an event or trauma using the Boulderstone Technique

Trauma truths

How to become resilient to trauma

Panic attacks

Anger (and happiness and sadness)



Obsessions, compulsions and phobias


Multiple Sclerosis


Chapter 8: Food illnesses


Food sensitivities (allergies and intolerances)

How sensitivities are created

Ingesting inappropriate substances

Can you stop people being allergic to nuts?

Scary dairy

Asthma, eczema, acne

Why can’t you remove a dairy problem?

Vitamins and minerals

Headaches and migraine

Liver disease


Drug addiction




Chapter 10: Staying Healthy

Chapter 9: Physical illnesses (and cure)



How to self-remove PTSD

Causes of beliefs

The 21 day meditation course


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